RTÉ Announces New Commission for web-based series
Info below...//////////////////////
"StoryLand invites new and experienced drama production teams to pitch for a truly creative 6-part drama series to be webcast in March 2009.
Pilot first episodes of up to ten new drama series will be commissioned by RTÉ and the audience will decide, by voting on-line, which six will get to make a second episode.
The second episodes will again be voted on by the audience and four series will get to make a 3rd episode and so on until only one series gets to make all 6 episodes.
Each episode needs to be between 3 to 7 minutes long. If commissioned your budget is a maximum of eight thousand euro per ep, meaning you get nearly 50 grand for your series if you make it to the end.
The pilots will be up from March 2009, with the series webcast between then and September 2009.
This is a fantastic opportunity to get your ideas out there. We’re looking for good stories and interesting characters that will have immediate appeal to 20 somethings. We want as many creative ideas as we can handle so get your thinking caps on and get submitting!
Closing date for submissions is 12 noon 17 November 2008.
Details on the scheme and on how to apply can be found at www.rte.ie/storyland.