Darklight Symposium
*The DARKLIGHT SYMPOSIUM 21st - the 24th of June 2007 will be an action packed four day event.FilmBase IFI, Ciniworld.*We are planning five discussion forums held in FilmBase and after each forumaudiences will be given an opportunity to get a more intimate insight into the professional practice or research area of our guests with break-outsessions following the discussions.
These sessions will consist of artist talks plus screenings, master classes,lectures or workshops. International guests include; Guy Miller from EA Games talking on interactive narrative, Computer Animator and Artists, GregMaguire and Andy Buecker, formally ILM and Disney, will be giving a master class, a Chris Shepherd retrospective and lecture.
*Full info on all speakers, screenings, workshops and master classes are available on the website www.darklight.ie <http://www.darklight.ie/>
*Forum 1. TELEVISION 2.0 The Future of TVForum
2. THE EVOLUTION OF SHORT FILM: From Production to Distribution, NetworkedCommunities Consuming Culture.Forum
3. ANIMATING FILMS AND GAMES: From Dioramas to Real Time FX: The Impact ofreal time technology on Film production.
Forum 4. ARTISTS AND FILMMAKERS: New Practices in Production, Exhibition and Education.Forum
5. MEMORY TECHNOLOGIES: Digital Archiving Examined
We will be asking what the developments in production, exhibition and distributionof the past 10 years actually means for filmmakers of all genres? How is this impacting and influencing creative practice, decision making,budgets, education, exhibition choices and possibilities?
What is expected of 'content producers' in 2007? Does this catchall term of the past10 years reflect an attitude towards creative process and are we now seeing the emergence of a more curated network?
Are we entering a time; where genres are evolving with a new fluidity between art,design, film, TV practices and platforms, where technology developed for gaming is impacting film, animation and motion graphics and is openingup new possibilities for the imagination, where commissioners are looking to grass roots producers and the tyranny of TV schedulingmay be a thing of the past.
In addition to these questions we will be reflecting on past movements in cinema andtheir influence on contemporary film practice through a retrospective programme of lectures, screenings and exhibits featuring Irish AvantGrade filmmakers Vivienne Dick and Pat Murphy.
*Book Now at www.darklight.ie <http://www.darklight.ie/pages/tickets.htm> Tickets also available at Road Records, Fade St. Dublin 2Enquiries : +353 1 6709017 or linda@darklight-filmfestival.com